Dani Johnson was raised in a poor family, became homeless at the age of twenty-one, and earned her first million at the age of twenty-three.
Today, Dani is a happily married mother of five, as well as the owner of several companies worth millions of dollars.
In order to help thousands of people all over the world reach outstanding results, the experienced millionaire leads seminars on starting successful businesses, money management and relationships.
Dani Johnson has been interviewed by journalists of the world's largest printed media (The View, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, etc.) and called the favorite multimillionaire of the USA after participating in the TV show "Secret Millionaire". Thanks to the results achieved by her clients, Johnson has been on the largest TV shows in the USA (The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Fox&Friends, etc.).
By changing your habits, you will change your future.
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One thing you need to realize, is that your life is not your own. Every decision you make affects others and reflects on others.
In the seminars and Dani Johnson's study materials, you will find useful tips on:
The "First Steps" seminar must be included in school and college curriculi, so that young people are prepared to present themselves as professionals.
Aiga Leilande-Šlitere
I've gotten a different view upon things, expenses and wealth! The word WEALTH has gained a new meaning in my vocabulary. It's not a cool car on a lease, it's not luxury clothing and a coffeeshop coffee every morning charged to your credit card!
Līga Rūtiņa
I now have a different view on money and how it's spent. I've changed my attitude at work. I also use my time in a more wholesome way.
Dace Vanaga
I'm beginning to realize the direction of the cash flow of the small family me and my husband have, and by filtering that, we can make our dreams come true. I've revised my eating and spending habits, thus finding extra money to invest into development and education. I've finally gotten a clearer goal, since we've started learning to manage our finances!
Santa Skurstene
A great opporutnity to find out how to improve relationships, escape debts, plan your time efficiently and simply become a person who can positively influence others' lives.
Liene Krauze
I'm reading Dani's book "Grooming the Next Generation for Success", I'm thrilled by the depth of the testimonials and apply the relationship advice in communicating with my five-year-old son.
Mārīte Jirgensone
I really like that Dani speaks her mind. She says exactly what you need to hear and what you need to do.
Lija Augstroze
Lieliska iespēja uzzināt savus tērēšanas paradumus, paskatīties uz savu finansiālo stāvokli no malas un atrast liekos tēriņus, ko novirzīt sapņu piepildīšanai!
Baiba Priede
...spējam katru mēnesi finansiāli atbalstīt divus ģimenes locekļus, dēls no nesekmības matemātikā ir ticis līdz 7 un pavisam nesen iegādājāmies dzīvokli bez kredītsaistībām. Desmit gadu garumā izlasītā cita veida literatūra palīdzēja iztikt bez parādiem, taču šis seminārs ir kas DAUDZ vairāk. Te ir aptverta ikviena dzīves joma.
Liene Cera
Ļoti vērtīgas apmācības, skar praktiski visas dzīves būtiskākos aspektus, kas fokusējās uz stabiliem panākumiem un ilgtermiņa, nevis viena momenta. Iesaku!
Pēteris Urtāns
Kamēr skaties internetā, liekas, nu tas tur pie viņiem Amerikā. Bija pārsteigums par veiksmes stāstiem arī pie mums. Tas riktīgi iedvesmo.
Ieva Markāne
Abi ar sievu apguvām Denijas Džonsones online kursu „Cīņa par finansiālu brīvību”. Tā kā mums parādu nebija, tad parādos neko neesam atmaksājuši, toties esam izveidojuši uzkrāšanas plānu. Tāpat viena no aktuālākajām lietām bija saprast, kur aiziet nauda, un vai tiešām mums nav nekādu lieko tēriņu. Un atradām, ka pat pie mūsu salīdzinoši taupīgā dzīvesveida ir iespēja atrast liekos izdevumus. Un vēl viena forša lieta, ko praktiski uzsākām - izpārdot pagrabu un plauktus!
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